In Moldova, there are many of worthy candidates who could take over the post of Prime Minister of Moldova! PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, April 03 2013 17:53

In Moldova, there are many of worthy candidates who could takeover the post of Prime Minister of Moldova and to make the activities of the government to be effective as for the benefit of people as for the country as a whole, - consider former Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev.
In an interview with "Infotag" he said he is not indifferent to the fate of the country, so if will be necessary, he will recommend candidates for this post.

Vasile Tarlev, who served as a prime minister in two governments for seven years, said that he currently does not pretend to lead the cabinet.

"First of all, the candidate must be well trained and must have a great experience.
In addition, it should be a patriot of his country, to be responsible, must observe the laws and protect the rights of citizens.
Unfortunately, judging the unfolding events, now are looking for candidates for prime-minister for other principles and values than those needed for a good Prime Minister "- says Tarlev.

In his view, if "it goes this way, then does not expect the efficiency of the new Government."
"Any attempt to appoint a prime minister who does not possess the qualities listed above, no chance for the efficient development of the Republic of Moldova.
Obviously, it will have serious consequences for the country, and we will miss the chance to get good results of development of Moldova and welfare of the people, "- said Ex - Prime Minister Vasile Tarlev.
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