Participation of the delegation NСIAM in the Forum of business people - members of the Common Economic Space on the theme "Eurasian Economic Union: The business expectations." PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, May 30 2013 13:33

President of the National Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Moldova in the delegation from country, consisting of members NCIAM, takes part in the forum of business people - members of the Common Economic Space on the theme "Eurasian Economic Union: The business expectations", Minsk, Belarus.

About the probability of default in Moldova! PDF Print E-mail
Monday, May 27 2013 18:08

Moldova is one of the countries in which the probability of default is assessed as very high, such a conclusion from the data of the World Economic Forum.

The probability is derived based on the credit rating of the country, calculated on the basis of expert evaluations.
Maximum - 100 points.

Интервью В.П. ТАРЛЕВА PDF Print E-mail
Friday, May 17 2013 23:52

Василий Тарлев: «Занимаюсь политикой, чтобы изменить ситуацию в стране к лучшему»

- Господин Тарлев, этот наш проект-разговор называется  - «В поисках смысла». Как будто его можно найти. А вы когда-нибудь задумывались, существует ли вообще такое понятие, как смысл жизни?

- Несомненно, смысл жизни есть, только для каждого человека он разный. Для кого-то смыслом жизни может быть  счастливая семья, для кого-то карьера и т.д. Так или иначе, все наши действия на протяжении жизни связаны  с ее смыслом – одной самой главной цели в жизни.

EBRD has reduced the growth forecast of the Moldovan economy is not more than 2.5%! PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, May 14 2013 11:52

The growth of the Moldovan economy this year will be more modest than planned a few months ago. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has reduced the GDP growth forecast.
EBRD estimates, gross domestic product by the end of the 2013th will grow no more than 2.5%.

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President NCIEM

Vasile Tarlev



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CNIAM.MD - Congresul Naţional al Industriaşilor şi Antreprenorilor din Moldova