About the probability of default in Moldova! PDF Print E-mail
Monday, May 27 2013 18:08

Moldova is one of the countries in which the probability of default is assessed as very high, such a conclusion from the data of the World Economic Forum.

The probability is derived based on the credit rating of the country, calculated on the basis of expert evaluations.
Maximum - 100 points.

The higher the score, the less probably the country default.
Moldova received 26.5 points.
The worst situation is only in Greece.
The probability of default of this country is very high - Greece received only 19.6 points.


Tops the list, both in Europe and around the world, Norway and Switzerland have received from the experts 94.8 and 94.1 points, respectively. Over 90 points from European countries have also Sweden, Finland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
CNIAM.MD - Congresul Naţional al Industriaşilor şi Antreprenorilor din Moldova