Moldovan-Ukrainian joint venture research and production "RDM" SRL PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, May 03 2012 15:19


Moldovan-Ukrainian joint venture research and production "RDM" SRL address: bd. Gagarin, 2, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, MD-2001 tel.: (+373 22) 57-98-00 Fax: (+373 22) 57-98-15 e-mail: rdm@rdm.mdThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Michael BrandisBorn on November 30th, 1939,in Shepetovca village, Ukraine Engineer, had graduated from Odessa Electro-Technical Institute of Commu-nications (1973). From 1993 - director of IV CP «RDM» Ltd. Joint Venture «RDM» was established in 1993. A limited liability company granted the state license for production, repairs and delivery of measuring instruments (ul-trasonic flaw detectors).

The company carries out scientific researches and development works in the field of flaw detecting engineering as well as produces, delivers and implements instruments for non-destructive testing of quality of transport structures, power engineering units etc. and provides servicing of this type of mechanisms. Many highly skilled specialists are working in the company; among them are the authors of scientific works and inventions. Main products are portable and pow-ered ultrasonic flaw detectors utilized to test the quality of rails, switches, axles and wheels of vans as well as of welded joints in metal constructions in various branches of industry. Many instruments produced by «RDM» Ltd are equipped with memory system, which allows to store the test results for further analysis and documentation, using PC. The enterprise also produces the equipment for flaw detecting cars using ultrasonic and magnetic testing of rails en route at a speed up to 55 km/h. The instruments are featured by high reliability and stable operation at tempera-tures from minus 40°C to plus 50°C. Currently, more that 7 thousand flaw detectors of RDM series are used on rail-roads of CSI and Baltic States, Bulgaria, Guinea and Cuba. All instruments are equipped with the necessary documenta-tion, spare parts and training software and have certificates issued by standardization departments from Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia. The enterprise manufactures piezoelec-tric transducers of various types used with all the operated flaw detectors. There was introduced a new portable one-channel electrocardiograph «Cardi-olife-RDM» on Moldovan market of the medical equipment in 2005. Package of measures for quality man-agement under standard ISO-900L2000 was developed and introduced at the en-terprise, and a Quality Certificate under this system was issued to the enterprise by London Bureau Veritas (BVQI).
CNIAM.MD - Congresul Naţional al Industriaşilor şi Antreprenorilor din Moldova