Moldova is among the top ten countries with the largest volume of money transfers! PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, April 21 2013 22:58

Moldova is among the developing countries, whose economy is based mainly on remittances of migrant workers.
These are the conclusions of the latest report of the World Bank.
In the first two months of this year, our fellow citizens working abroad have sent home more than 200 million dollars.

According to the World Bank, the flow of foreign currency in the Republic of Moldova was nearly a quarter of GDP.
Thus, our country is one of the last in the top of developing countries.

According to the evaluation, Moldova's neighbors are rated Lesotho and Nepal.
For the first two months of this year, our fellow sitizens working abroad sent home over the 200 million dollars.

According to the National Bank, in recent years, support of the national economy by Moldovan guest workers was about seven billion dollars.
Just last year, remittances amounted to about half a billion dollars.
According to the World Bank, this year, remittances increased by more than 12% compared to last year.
CNIAM.MD - Congresul Naţional al Industriaşilor şi Antreprenorilor din Moldova