The forum organized by the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, March 30 2013 10:24

President of the National Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Moldova (NCIEM), Mr. Vasile Tarlev, participates with the delegation of members NCIEM on the council board of the Presidium of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the International Forum titled "Experience and problems of investment and financial - banking support of the activities of industrialists and entrepreneurs in the Eurasian economic space ", in Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan.

The forum was organized by the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ICIE).
The forum is attended by representatives of international organizations and representatives of national associations from more than 30 countries - members of the ICIE.
The forum will focus on the situation and prospects of cooperation between the financial and banking institutions, will be presented the projects and programs of cooperation in the framework of the International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
CNIAM.MD - Congresul Naţional al Industriaşilor şi Antreprenorilor din Moldova