Price of russian gas for Moldova increased by 16.1%! PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, April 03 2013 18:09

Annual average purchase price of Russian gas for Moldova in 2012 was 393.97 dollars for one thousand cubic meters, increasing by 16.1% over the previous year.

As reported in "Moldovagaz", given the actual calorific value of russian "blue fuel" for Moldova in the first quarter of 2012 was 388.31 dollars, in the second quarter - 398.01 dollars, in the third quarter - $ 398, 15, in the fourth quarter - 399.58 dollars.

It should be noted that in the first quarter of 2011, price of natural gas for Moldova taking into account actual heating value of the gas was 292.88 dollars, in the second quarter of 2011 - 321.71 dollars, in the third quarter -. 368.39 dollars, in the fourth quarter - 402.27 dollars. Price of russian gas for Moldova is calculated on a European formula, taking into account the gas selling price OAO "Gazprom" in foreign countries.

Gas prices are set quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1, according to changes in the prices of diesel and fuel oil, the third quarter of gas supply in accordance with the "Platt's Oilgram Price Report" in section "Monthly Averages European" Cargoes FOB Med. Basis Italy and is the mean value between the minimum and maximum quotations.

By 2011, the formula was applied reduction factor.

From 2011, Moldova receives gas at European prices.
CNIAM.MD - Congresul Naţional al Industriaşilor şi Antreprenorilor din Moldova