EBRD has reduced the growth forecast of the Moldovan economy is not more than 2.5%! PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, May 14 2013 11:52

The growth of the Moldovan economy this year will be more modest than planned a few months ago. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has reduced the GDP growth forecast.
EBRD estimates, gross domestic product by the end of the 2013th will grow no more than 2.5%.

Although at the beginning of the year predicted growth of four percent of GDP. The bank's experts note that the medium-term growth of the Moldovan economy will depend largely on the remittances of migrant workers, trends and export predisposition of local and foreign businessmen to invest.
Economic growth forecast has been reduced, and earlier this was explained by the influence of political factors.
The World Bank found that Moldova is a leader among developing countries in terms of remittances from abroad. Economists estimate that foreign exchange earnings reached 23% of the Gross Domestic Product.
In the first quarter of this year Moldovans sent home $ 320 million. This is 31 million more than in January-April 2012. Over the last 5 years migrant workers moved to the country $ 7 billion.
According to the World Bank, the currency in developing countries will grow this year by more than 12 percent.
CNIAM.MD - Congresul Naţional al Industriaşilor şi Antreprenorilor din Moldova