Participation the delegation from NCIEM at the first International Conference "ABC: Ukraine & Partners" PDF Print E-mail
Friday, June 14 2013 12:58

June 13-14 Vasile Tarlev, President of the National Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Moldova (NCIEM) with a delegation from NCIEM takes part in the first International Conference "ABC: Ukraine & Partners".
The conference is attended by the Prime Minister of Ukraine N. Azarov and other members of the Ukrainian Government, ministers, politicians and diplomats of partner countries of Ukraine, the leaders of major investment, finance and banking, industry, businesses structures and associations, representatives of academia and the media.

The conference will focus on improving the investment climate and business environment, innovation in the field of high technology, new ways of partnership between business and government, the prospects for the development and modernization of the fuel and energy complex of Ukraine, the development of the Customs Union and the economic integration of the CIS countries, etc.
This large-scale event should become an important tool for the development of international economic cooperation, effective search of business partners, establish a fruitful dialogue between government and business, presentation of the economic potential of Ukraine and other countries.
CNIAM.MD - Congresul Naţional al Industriaşilor şi Antreprenorilor din Moldova